The discourse among Americans about fast food had changed over the past years. It stated out as a good thing that everyone would eat because it was cheap, good and made fast. But it then turned into a problem because people were blaming fast food companies for making them fat. The companies were at fault according to the people because there food was so good but it was bad for you and people could not stop eating it. Then the truth was told about the food and people still ate it, so it finally hit on the main issue how they were advertising and selling it made it appealing.
People in the modern age want convenience and cheap prices for everything, which fast food is giving them in the item they use most in life; FOOD! But the people who were involved in this discourse started out small and got bigger and bigger till people realized what fast food does to people. The discourse became a dominate discourse and a big deal in society. Scientists started looked in to the link from obesity to fast food and found just as Kelly D. Brownell, the director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale found out that everyone knows that fast food is bad but the environment that people live in makes it hard to stop eating it.
The marketing of fast food became the major issue but there’s nothing that people can do beside take action for themselves and stop eating it. No one in America can tell fast food companies what to do. They don’t have to raise there prices, they don’t have to stop advertising because we live in a free county and that’s what it comes down to. There is a dominate discourses about fast food and health foods but in reality that all does not matter because the real discourse that is happing is do the companies have freedom to do what they want even though it is hurting people. I say that the companies do because if not it breaks the amendments in the constitution, which was put there to make our countries a free place. Where people get to do what they want. People should be able to stop eating it if they know its bad and if not its there fault because there is nothing making them eat it like there is nothing making them go to work to make the money to pay for the food.