Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HW 5

The discourse among Americans about fast food had changed over the past years. It stated out as a good thing that everyone would eat because it was cheap, good and made fast. But it then turned into a problem because people were blaming fast food companies for making them fat. The companies were at fault according to the people because there food was so good but it was bad for you and people could not stop eating it. Then the truth was told about the food and people still ate it, so it finally hit on the main issue how they were advertising and selling it made it appealing.

People in the modern age want convenience and cheap prices for everything, which fast food is giving them in the item they use most in life; FOOD! But the people who were involved in this discourse started out small and got bigger and bigger till people realized what fast food does to people. The discourse became a dominate discourse and a big deal in society. Scientists started looked in to the link from obesity to fast food and found just as Kelly D. Brownell, the director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale found out that everyone knows that fast food is bad but the environment that people live in makes it hard to stop eating it.

The marketing of fast food became the major issue but there’s nothing that people can do beside take action for themselves and stop eating it. No one in America can tell fast food companies what to do. They don’t have to raise there prices, they don’t have to stop advertising because we live in a free county and that’s what it comes down to. There is a dominate discourses about fast food and health foods but in reality that all does not matter because the real discourse that is happing is do the companies have freedom to do what they want even though it is hurting people. I say that the companies do because if not it breaks the amendments in the constitution, which was put there to make our countries a free place. Where people get to do what they want. People should be able to stop eating it if they know its bad and if not its there fault because there is nothing making them eat it like there is nothing making them go to work to make the money to pay for the food. 

Monday, September 27, 2010


The eating habits I have now are a lot like my eating of my parents and there parents. My mother’s parents had good food habits and she had a father who worked out. They always ate three good healthy meals a day, two of which were always spent together. My mother became a nutritionist when she grew up and got even better eating habits than her parents instilled on her. Her eating habits now are the most prices habits a person could have. Every day she eats a bowl of rice chex and low fat milk, a turkey sandwich with two thin slices of turkey on whole wheat bread and one low fat yogurt, half a red pepper and a slice of watermelon. Then she eats two measured out cups of chocolate ice cream, the only thing with calories all day. My mother only likes certain things and she watches her wait very closely. She had lived with these habits for more than 20 years.

My father came from a family with ok food habits but then he developed bad habits when he moved to Jersey. When my father got married he moved to Jersey and had an Italian wife who ate a lot and cook in oils and grease. My father then devolved better habits after marrying my mom. On the daily my father eats no breakfast, a small lunch, take out and popcorn or ice cream. He has gotten healthier since living with my mother.

My food habits have changed between both my parents’ food habits. In my younger years I was more like my dad eating what I wanted to till I was full which made me fat. Then as I got older I started acting more like my mom by eating mostly healthy food and watching calories and only eating small amounts of sweets but I don’t hold these habits as much as a life style as she does. I just watch what I eat and I need to have verity in my food. Both my parents have no verity in their food habits, which is mind blowing to me. A lot of these differences between my food habits and my parent is generational.

There are generational differences in my grandparents eating habits to the current eating habits I have to day. My grandparent’s made my mom; aunt and uncle eat together every day. They would not start eating till every one was there. My other grandparents ate together but not as much. They ate together when they could but when my dad was 13 he started working two jobs to help his family so he doesn’t really remember eating together. My parents raised me were we only would eat together on Sunday but it would not be us just eating together. It would start at 7:00 when 60 minutes was on and we would only talked during commercial, which I didn’t mind but every other night I sit in front of the TV around 6 to eat. The big change in why people don’t eat, as a family anymore is a big part of the 21st. People before didn’t have TV’s or computers to occupy them so they did the family thing as a form of entertainment.

These theories about food ways in my family are proven in my refrigerator. My mom has her stuff, I have a verity of things but no junk food and my dad has his take out. My refrigerator is always packed because I like a verity of foods. There is no one big meal my whole family can eat together in my refrigerator.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


McDonalds is what most people think of as fast food but isn’t and apple or some hand held food, fast food as well. Fast food can be health but most people look to big corporations that have taken the title as the fast food world.

The McDonalds in Union Square has bright signs where you order food. The pictures of food that looks perfect because it’s food art not the real food. When you get your own food it never looks as good as the picture. The rest of the place has dark colors and low lighting in order to make the signs look better and brighter. This is only one of the ways the fast food industry is so successful. The main reasons they are so successful is that they have cheap food in large quantities and it tastes great. The food at McDonalds as well as most fast food places is bad for you because of all the greasy that goes into the food but people like Dave B. a Native New Yorker still says, “ the food is good here and why should I go to a grocery store and pay high prices for good food. Then have to cook it; when I can pay under 10 dollars and eat till I am full.” That is the ploy that fast food companies use to bring people in. Dave is one of many over weight American with this attitude that it is just easier to eat fast food. The green market across the street would never appeal to him with high priced food not ready to eat.

Then I crossed the street to see the other side of things at the Greenmarket. The Greenmarket was outside and had very bland colors beside. Everything you see looks fresh. The vibe walking in to a green market for me and all other uninformed people is that everything is organic and fresh unlike when I walk in McDonalds. Where I know that it is all processed food. But as I walked around and talked to stands like S&So Produce Farms and Di Paolo Turkeys, which were family run farm they told me that all their veggies were conventionally grown and were not organic. I was told that the meat was all natural but not organic as well. I was shocked. I thought probably as many other people do is that the little stands would be organic that’s why they are special. Still the food at the Greenmarket is healthier for you than McDonalds.

Though the fast food industry is very successful, “the sale of organic food has been increasing by 20 percent per year for the past 10 years. It has been the fastest growing segment of the food industry.” (Tick) Organic food, which is healthier food, is coming back in to American life. It could one day change the fast food world by getting a company to make a fast food place that is healthy as well.

Tick, Paul. "Big Business Enters the Organic Market Place." Organic Consumers Association. Organic Consumers Association, n.d. Web. 23 Sep 2010. <>.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hw 1

Food is the ultimate emotional controller device in humans; it can make us happy, sad, mad and many more emotions just by tasting or seeing it. What we eat is a big part of how we act. All people eat food for a different reason weather its to get skinny or to bulk up or just for the love of eating but everybody eats.

My priorities for food have change a lot threw out my few years realizing what I eat. I used to not care what or how much I ate as long as it was good, but I ended up a heavy kid. Then I stopped eating with my best friend. We would not eat breakfast, get a small lunch if any, eat a medium dinner and NO snacks all because I wanted to be skinny. But that also changed after I was skinny, I wanted to bulk up. I still eat to bulk up so I eat a lot of protein, which is my priority when I eat food now. I hold off on the junk food, only eat three good meals of day full of protein, and drink no soda. I know that my priorities now are much better than they were in my past but they do not fill my love and joy for sweets.

My typical meal, which is, fish or eggs or chicken and always milk and salad on the side are good but I would love to just eat what I want. Like eating penne al a vodka or chicken potpies other good delish food but all really good foods are fattening. They have a lot of calories for a little amounts of food. I know I’m 16 and I should not be this worries about what I eat but image matters and I want a strong health body. I don’t mind my typical meals they are really good. And I do treat my self; I don’t live by these foods as laws. I eat sweets and pig out on a weekend but I always come back to my strong protein diet. Every night I have my special treat, an ice cream sandwich I can only get at a certain store and I’m in heaven.

Food is the internal struggle for humans in the modern era because of the way eating makes you look.