Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hw 22

Albom, Mitch. tuesdays with Morrie. United States : Doubleday, 1997. Print.

Mitch’s best friend and his former teacher, Morrie, had been diagnosed with ALS, an incurable disease. Morrie lives out his days trying to reconcile with death.

  • “Charlotte had a million thoughts running through her mind: How much time do we have left? How will we manage? How will we pay the bills? My old professor, meanwhile, was stunned by the normalcy of the day around him. Shouldn’t the world stop? Don’t they know what has happened to me?” Page. 8
I think it’s wrong that Charlotte thinks about money right after the doctor gives Morrie’ s diagnosis and not about how her husband is feeling about the certain death he faces. Morrie had realized that the cliché about death on T.V was not true. The world does not stop moving for any man.

  • “I may not live to finish the semester. If you feel this is a problem, I understand if you wish to drop the course.” Page. 9
Morrie is starting to accept death and is not afraid to tell people.

  • “Accept the past as past without denying it or discarding it…” Page. 18
I loved the insight that Morrie stated, the past is the past but you can’t forget what happened. I feel this is a good lesson for life because people learn from their past no matter how bad it is.

  • “Several of Morrie’s friends and family members had gathered to meet Koppel…”
           Page. 19

I feel that this quote show a dominant social practice we were talked about in class. Friends and family of Morrie only come to see him because a celebrity was interviewing him. They didn’t come to see how he was feeling.

Tuesdays with Morrie portrays that people dying reflect on their life. They think about all the lessons they learned in their life and try to pass that knowledge on to other people that can learn from it. It is also a time you spend with you closest friends and family to keep you as happy as you can be.

1 comment:

  1. I Think That Charlotte's Thoughts were completly understandable but not considerate. I Think that she was worried about the long term and about how this news would affect her because humans a naturally self-centered. This would also be why the world didn't stop for Morrie.
