Interview 1:
Face to face
I was finally FAT!!!!! I’m a skinny lady and I had wanted a baby my entire life and I was finally pregnant after trying for a couple of years. I had always weighed 83 pounds and now there was a baby inside me and I weighed 115. I could eat anything I wanted. The last two months it had been hard to get off the bed. I had to roll off and I could only sleep on my back. My feet were swollen and my snow boots barely fit. I was always so busy because of work, preparing for the baby and packing for a new apartment. I never stopped. I made sure before the baby arrived I had his room set up. When I realized I was having a baby I began reading countless baby books and I was going to Lamaze classes. The night it all happened I went to the bathroom at around midnight and my water broke. I couldn’t have had more then an hour of sleep that night. It was not painful at first. I felt no contractions so I woke my husband up and told him to call my doctor. Since I was not in immediate pain I cleaned the water on the bathroom floor. Who knew when I would return from the hospital? The doctor told me to go the emergency room where he would meet us. Once we got there my contractions were still not happening at the full extent so they put me in a room until the contractions got stronger. I was both happy and nervous waiting for my baby; it was indescribable. The doctor came in ten minutes later and told me there was problem and I would have to have a c-section immediately. I was nervous about the baby’s health but the doctor said it would be fine and nothing was wrong with the baby. He kept apologizing to me over and over again before the c-section because most women want a natural birth but I didn’t mind. I was happy I was not going to be in any pain. My baby came right out and the whole process only took two hours or so, it was great.
This mother always wanted to have a baby and loved having one just like so many other women. She also loved the fact that she was fat and could eat whatever she wanted because in our society women want to be skinny so people will accept them and look at them as pretty. Unlike most mothers this mom was okay not going through a natural birthing process. She didn’t need to feel the pain of a natural birth and was not worried about the local anesthesia.
Interview 2:
Face to Face
It was my second child so I knew the drill. I was getting fat and I had no worries because I had made a plan. I lived in a small house so we split my first son’s room in half so each child would have their own room. It took a lot of work but my husband got it done. Most of the furnishings a baby needs we saved from my first son so we didn’t buy much. My mother in law kept reminding me everything to do just like she did with my first son. It got to me just like the last time but I didn’t ever say anything. My doctor told me my baby would be due on the twenty-second of September. But by September 30th when my baby hadn’t come the doctor induced me. It took a long time for my water to break and my contractions to start. Then there were complications and I required a c-section. I was delighted I would not be going through a natural birth for a second time. The first time was a great experience but this pain is not something you want to go through a second time.
Mom number two brought up that a natural birth was painful just as many moms describe the process and when having a second child she didn’t want to bare the pain again. Since this mom had a child before she was fully prepared before this baby arrived at home.
Interview 3:
Phone call.
I found out I was having twins. For the next couple of months I was getting used to the idea of not just being the parent of one child but two children. We bought plenty of diapers and started to get the nursery stocked on all the goods. During the first trimester I was healthy except for my fatigue. During my second trimester, I got some energy back and started showing but I also started swelling up. My ankles and legs were huge by my 5th month and I was starting to get really uncomfortable. At 32 weeks I went in for routine steroid shots to mature the baby’s lungs in case they came early. When they put me on the monitor they noticed I was having contractions!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I couldn't feel them but I guess they were big enough to be concerned about, so they checked me and I was 3 centimeters dilated and my son's head was at 0 station. Basically he was ready to come out and I didn't even know it! My doctor decided to get me on magnesium to try and stop my labor. It worked. At 34 weeks, 4 days I started having only what I can describe as the worst heartburn I have ever had. It felt like someone had poured acid in my stomach. Then after two days of this, I told my husband that I didn't think I could take it anymore; my water broke while I was lying there in bed. I started getting the real contractions about 15 minutes later when we were being admitted at the hospital. I had no idea they would be that painful. It was like the pain shifted from the heartburn to my upper stomach to my low menstrual-like cramping, which felt totally different than the pain I had experienced the last two days. The labor pains were like menstrual cramps times 100. It started off bearable but after a couple hours, I couldn't take it anymore and I was only dilated to a 3. I got my epidural after 4 hours of contractions. I pushed as the doctor instructed me to. My boy came out first and then my girl. It really was not that hard.
This mother didn’t feel her first contractions, which were 2 weeks early. Her baby was coming out and the doctors thought it was appropriate to stop it. When her water broke she felt what contractions are supposed to feel like. She had intense pain until she was able to get an epidural, which a lot of mothers get to relive some of the pain.
Interview 4:
Phone call
On Christmas morning I was exactly 36 weeks pregnant. I had everything ready for our baby. I don't know why but my husband and I were both up at six in the morning. My five other kids were still sleeping. So my husband and I decided to have sex. It was eight now and we were downstairs opening presents when I felt some cramping. I thought it was nothing so we continued opening gifts. When it was about nine I started having heavy cramps. I went to the bathroom and my water broke just as I walked in. I called my husband to the bathroom and he was shocked. My husband is a pediatrician and he checked me and saw I was ten centimeters. He was helping me up the stairs (so we could go to our bed) and I felt the urge to push. He told me to just hold it and we had three more steps to go. I got into my bed and I let out a yell. My husband told me he could see the head. One more push and the baby's head was out. Apparently the shoulders were in an awkward position so it made it extra hard for me to push the baby out. When the baby finally came we were both so happy to see it was a girl. Out of six we finally had a girl!
I could not believe this mother did not feel contractions until she reached about eight centimeters. From all the stories I have heard at three centimeters the pain is almost unbearable. It might be that she had given birth to five kids but it would still hurt I think. The sex she had that morning is probably the reason that her pregnancy was induced.
I want to explore more in depth what a woman actually experiences during labor.
I thought that your best thought was "I could not believe this mother could not feel contractions till she reached about eight centimeters. From all the stories I have herd at three centimes the pain is almost unbearable." This showed that you were really paying attention to what the mothers were saying. These interviews inspired me to go for what I want no matter what the cost.
ReplyDeleteEvan D
ReplyDeleteI found that after every story you would say what you had learned, what you found interesting and what questions each of their stories had provoked you to have. For example after first story you wrote, "She also loved the fact that she was fat and could eat whatever she wanted because in our society women want to be skinny so people will accept them and look at them as pretty. " You went deeper into the simplicity of how ahppy she was to jusrt eat and not worry about getting fat. To perfect your post I believe you should have questioned some of what they said after their retelling of their birth story. Other than that good job!
It was very interesting how you interviewed multiple mothers who had C- Sections and how they both said it was less painful. Your interviews were very detailed and intriguing, one thing you could work on is digging deeper and analyzing what the mothers said about birth. Other then that your post was very good I can't wait to read more.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading each of the mother's personal experiences. I thought the third interview was beautiful when the mother learned she was having twins. Also, interview one was very touching when the mother discovered she was pregnant after waiting her entire life.
ReplyDeleteIt might have added a different and altogether unique perspective if Evan had interviewed a father describing his experience in the labor room.