I thought that your best thought was "I could not believe this mother could not feel contractions till she reached about eight centimeters. From all the stories I have herd at three centimes the pain is almost unbearable." This showed that you were really paying attention to what the mothers were saying. These interviews inspired me to go for what I want no matter what the cost.
Michelle Comrade to me -
I found that after every story you would say what you had learned, what you found interesting and what questions each of their stories had provoked you to have. For example after first story you wrote, "She also loved the fact that she was fat and could eat whatever she wanted because in our society women want to be skinny so people will accept them and look at them as pretty. " You went deeper into the simplicity of how ahppy she was to jusrt eat and not worry about getting fat. To perfect your post I believe you should have questioned some of what they said after their retelling of their birth story. Other than that good job!
Steph Comrade to me -
It was very interesting how you interviewed multiple mothers who had C- Sections and how they both said it was less painful. Your interviews were very detailed and intriguing, one thing you could work on is digging deeper and analyzing what the mothers said about birth. Other then that your post was very good I can't wait to read more.
To Steph from me -
I like that you found three birth stories that were different and unique to one another. I thought it was interesting that you questioned the mothers diet in story two as if she could have prevented her baby from being fat. You questioned the mother’s actions in story one as if she did something to her stomach to almost lead her baby to death. I don’t think a mother would try to kill her child right before it is born. Do you think these things happed only because of the mother or are these things common? I think you could have elaborated on the story a bit more.
To Michelle from me -
I agree with you when you said, that this assignment "let me know a lot more about pregnancy that I would have never dared to ask." This assessment made me ask questions that I other wise would feel to uncomfortable to ask. I feel you could have interviewed more people and made the person you interviewed dig deeper. I look forward to reading your later posts.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From Mentor to me -
I enjoyed reading each of the mother's personal experiences. I thought the third interview was beautiful when the mother learned she was having twins. Also, interview one was very touching when the mother discovered she was pregnant after waiting her entire life.
It might have added a different and altogether unique perspective if Evan had interviewed a father describing his experience in the labor room.
I enjoyed reading each of the mother's personal experiences. I thought the third interview was beautiful when the mother learned she was having twins. Also, interview one was very touching when the mother discovered she was pregnant after waiting her entire life.
It might have added a different and altogether unique perspective if Evan had interviewed a father describing his experience in the labor room.
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