Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hw 45

Stephs comment to me -

Your main idea which compared and contrasted the difference between midwives that just practice at houses, and midwives who practice in birthing centers in hospitals was very interesting and caught my attention. 

I truly valued how you went out of your way to find a midwife who you could interview, I also valued how after you entered the 11Th floor and found no one, you continued your journey until you found a midwife who you cold interview. I wasn't interested in this topic before but after reading you project I realized how important this topic really is. I would like to dig deeper into your project and see how other midwifes compare or contrast to what Sandy said, and compare what doctors think. Great project, keep up the great work.

My comment to Steph-

Steph thank you very much for taking the time to read my post that means a lot to me. I want to dig deeper into this project because I know Sandy’s point of view does not apply for every midwife. The next steps I would take in this project would be to talk to a midwife that works at private birthing center and see what she says in contrast with what Sandy told me. If I wanted to take the project a step further I would relate all the information I collected to midwives that deal with home births.

Jayson Comment to me -

Evan, I found your speech very influential, and the fact that you were able to interview a midwife at St Lukes Hospital is something that shows you put effort in to it. Also, I found it extremely interesting how the midwife responded to your question on nightmarish practices at hospitals with a "it all has a purpose if it is needed".

My comment to Jayson –

Thank you so much for reading my post it means a lot to me. I also found that line very interesting; it caught me off guard in my interview because I did not expect her answer to be that simple. I expected for a complex answer that would have confused me but yet the she gave me the simplest answer and it confused me.

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