Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hw 51


Funerals can be expensive if not planned for ahead of time and can cause additional stress and financial debt to a families pain. A family always wants the best for their loved ones but to get it they need to shell out big bucks. When it comes to the ability of balancing the grief of a love one and planning a respectful funeral for most people cant handle it.


"Grief is mixed up with guilt and shame and the dynamics of family politics. Sons and daughters will compete for the role of Most Crushed by the Loss, they'll fight over the menu for the reception as if it’s the dead man's estate...families do what's expected of them. They follow a social script." (Page. 116)

“But it seemed to me he was doing what the script told him to do; put people at ease by lightening the mood. That was his role.” (Page. 119)

“What made Ray Brent Marsh different from his neighbors was not that he was insane, but that he’d lost all reverence for and fear of the dead.” (Page. 131)

"There is far more profit in creating memories and keepsakes than in caskets." (Page. 141)

"For nearly two hundred years, funeral service has had a firm foundation in American culture based upon Judeo/Christian priorities... The question is, what does the consumer really want, and how could operators achieve superior profits by breaking with the past." (Page. 141)

"We're no longer part of a community of believers, but a marginally organized tribe of individuals, where each life story is as important as the next." (Page. 146)

“The Mennonites have it easier: same casket, same hymns, sane prayers, and everyone knows the script. This is what it must be like to live in an ordered universe, where the roads meet at right angles at every miles and, if you’re good you pray and marry the girl God wants you to marry, His plan will be reveled when you die.” (Page.191)


In part two of Curtains I learned a lot about the funeral industry along with some social aspects about a funeral. In our society there our social expectations for men and woman that are to be upheld at all times. One big expectation for men is that we our not allowed to cry. It shows weakness when men are supposed to be strong. These social expectations are still valid during a funeral when a man could be at his weakest, morning the loss of a love one. He might shed a tear but in societies eyes he must stand strong. When my father lost his mother he was very sad, he shed tears by himself in our house but not in public. When it came time for the funeral he was able to stand strong and be the man society wanted him to be. I feel that these standards weather held up in everyday society or not should not apply in the mist solemn occasions such as funerals. 

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